The Seattle Public Library will add open hours at nine branches starting on Wednesday, Jan. 29.
Amy Tan: from backyard birder to outspoken conservancy advocate with her new nature journal
The line for the event wrapped around the corner.
Local author Susan Lieu to discuss new memoir at Seattle Public Library event
Among the Seattle Public Library (SPL)’s author events this month is one featuring Susan Lieu, who will be sharing insights into her latest memoir, “The Manicurist’s Daughter,” on March 19.
Monyee Chau: From restaurant baby to bold zine maker
Seattle artist Monyee Chau, Seattle Public Library (SPL)’s Artist in Residence, makes and distributes zines, and creates prints, paintings, illustrations, and installations—having studied all of these disciplines at Cornish and elsewhere.
Seattle pays tribute to native son John Okada on his 100th birthday
Sept. 22 marks the centennial of the birth of Seattle native John Okada, who wrote the groundbreaking Japanese American novel, “No-No Boy,” in 1957.
Seattle Reads in its 25th year and will feature Otsuka’s ‘The Swimmers’
Seattle Reads is turning 25 this month.
Seattle Public Library partners with organizations to provide free resources
The Seattle Public Library has established a partnership with the Seattle Municipal Court Resource Center to better connect people in need to Library resources. The Court Resource Center is available […]
Literacy champ Higashi to get Seattle Arts & Lecture award
Seattle Arts & Lectures (SAL) announced that it will present the third annual Sherry Prowda Literary Champion Award to Chris Higashi, program director for the Washington Center for the Book […]
High school essay and scholarship contest open through March 5
The Chinese American Citizens Alliance (CACA) is sponsoring an essay contest to provide a forum for expression by youth who aim to be future leaders of the United States. The […]
Discovering the roots of your Asian American family tree — Tracking history becomes less troublesome with Uncle Sam
By James Tabafunda Northwest Asian Weekly The family trees of Asians in the United States will create a much larger forest as they become the largest immigrant group in 2055, […]