Click to download our 2025 ad rate
How to advertise with us
- Prepayment is required for new accounts.
- E-mail your ad to:
- Kelly Liao, Ad Representative,
- Grace Roh, CEO & Publisher,
Web Ads:
- Web-ready ads are preferred
- If ad design services are needed by NWAW, there is a 10% additional fee
- Web ads are expected to be rotate
- All ads will appear on all pages
Ad Rates:
Banner 468×60 pixels
$11,840/6 months
Block 300×250 pixels
• 1st or 2nd place:
$10,260/6 months
• 3rd or 4th place:
$9,470/6 months
• 5th or after place:
$8,880/6 months
Button 125×125 pixels
$4,930/6 months
Sponsored article rate:
• 300 words and one photo: $1,100/month
• 500 words and two photos: $1,980/month
• 750 words and two photos: $2,960/month
Sponsored article and block ad package:
• 300 words, one photo and one block ad: $2,550/month
• 500 words, two photos and one block ad: $3,170/month
• 750 words, two photos and one block ad: $3,850/month
Why you should advertise with us?
Reaching the Northwest’s Asian communities may be easier than you think.
In 2024, had an average of 22,443 visitors per month, and over 50,400 views per month—and we offer more advertising and promotional opportunities than ever before—including feature article possibilities and introductions to local community groups.
Asian Pacific American communities have been called, “The market of the 21st century.” And the Pacific Northwest’s Asian Pacific American communities are among the nation’s most dynamic! Consider becoming a business partner with their preferred sources of news and information—the Northwest Asian Weekly. Our readers trust us because they know our goal is to empower the Asian Pacific American community.
Your organization’s promotional and advertising goals are important to us. We’ll help you design the tools you need to reach the Pacific Northwest’s Asian/Pacific American decision makers!