“The Bear” went on a tear at Wednesday morning’s Emmy nominations with a comedy-series record 23, and “Shogun” led all nominees with 25 in a dominant year across categories for FX.
In memory of Matt Chan — A community advocate and Emmy award-winning television producer
Matt Chan fought hard to preserve the Chinatown-International District (CID), a battle aimed at earning the respect he felt the neighborhood deserved.
August: Christine Chen and Richard Velazquez to relocate to NYC
Christine Chen, founder and principal of Chen Communications, and husband Richard Velazquez, soon-to-be senior director of innovation for PepsiCo, are moving to New York City. Chen Communications will be headquartered […]
May 6: Local celebrities announced as honorary chairs for 17th annual Cure
The Susan G. Komen Puget Sound Race for the Cure affiliate announced six local celebrities as honorary chairs: Brooke Fox and Monti Carlo from