By Assunta Ng “Believe you can succeed and you will.” — David Schwartz, author of “The Magic of Thinking Big” Tiger parents’ motto, “Because I said so,” no longer works […]
Wise words on aging
“As one ages, many of the doors that are open to joyful activities will close, but there are a myriad of closed doors that beckon one to happily open.” — […]
Wise Words for U.S. Ambassador to China Gary Locke
Thank you for inspiring our young people to serve and create possibilities for their communities and our country. May your path achieve a new level of understanding in U.S.-China relations …
10 ways to create gifts of kindness and love
I don’t miss any of the Christmas parties and enjoy organizing a couple of potlucks for our staff, freelance writers, and our events’ volunteers. Those are very special occasions because I only see some of my friends once a year.