By Staff Northwest Asian Weekly About 9 percent of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders have been diagnosed with diabetes, according to a 2014 statistics report issued by the Centers for […]
NWAW seeks gift baskets for 30th anniversary gala
The Northwest Asian Weekly is seeking donated gift baskets for its 30th anniversary gala. The gift baskets will be set out for display as centerpieces on each table. The gift […]
JACL hosts 2012 national convention at Hyatt Regency Bellevue
The Japanese American Citizen League (JACL) is hosting its 2012 national convention in the Hyatt
Letter: Let’s not bag a classic
I read (an ad) in your recent issue of Northwest Asian Weekly that Uwajimaya is offering public participation to help design a future grocery bag. I’m not a creative
What Asian Pacific Americans need to know about diabetes
Julie Cheng began ice skating at age 7.
After skating competitively for three years, she took a yearlong break from the sport at age 10. She wasn’t sidelined due to injury. She was out for health reasons.
Women with diabetes at increased risk for irregular heart rhythm
Diabetes increases the risk of women developing atrial fibrillation (AF) by 26 percent. Atrial fibrillation is a potentially dangerous irregular heart rhythm that can lead to stroke, heart failure, and chronic fatigue. These are the findings of a new Kaiser Permanente study, published in the October issue of Diabetes Care, a journal of the American Diabetes Association.
Uwajimaya celebrates 80 years!
“You do it every day because it’s the right thing to do.”