Following years of collaboration with Washington state students, educators, community organizations, legislators, and other stakeholders, the Washington chapter of the Asian American, Native Hawai’ian and Pacific Islander (AANHPI)-focused group, Make Us Visible (MUV), has announced that a bill meant to integrate AANHPI history into the state’s classrooms has been introduced to the Washington State Senate.
Trump administration shutters White House AANHPI Commission
Among the 58 executive orders President Donald Trump rescinded on the eve of his inauguration on Jan. 20 was one creating a commission to advance equal opportunity within the Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) community.
Golden Circle 2025 award recipients announced
Next week, the Northwest Asian Weekly will release a series of profiles highlighting Seattle recipients of the 2025 Golden Circle awards.
Studies find AA+NHPI students face significant mental health hurdles, are underrepresented in classroom settings
Mental health challenges significantly impact Asian American and Native Hawai’ian, and Pacific Islander (AA+NHPI) experiences in education—and these challenges appear to roll over into these communities’ health and health outcomes, too, according to recent research out of the University of Washington (UW).
“AANHPI Men for Harris” champion Kamala Harris in high-stakes campaign event
The gatherings in support of presidential hopeful Kamala Harris have been coming fast and furious since she launched her campaign.
White House convenes leaders to address mental health disparities
The White House is giving long overdue attention to the status of mental health among Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI), hosting a convention on the matter in Washington, D.C. on July 24.
Seattle City Council position 8 candidates face off at A&NH/PI forum
Approximately 100 people attended the 12th Annual A&NH/PI Candidate Forum on Thursday, at the Chinese Information Service Center in Seattle’s Chinatown-International District (CID).
Harris promises API voters another four years
Vice President Kamala Harris rallied supporters last Saturday, July 13, at the Asian Pacific Islander Vote (APIAVote) Presidential Town Hall in Philadelphia, and promised “four more years.”
Kamala Harris leads new campaign effort to reach out to Asian American voters
President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign is launching its formal outreach campaign to Asian American voters, putting Vice President Kamala Harris at the forefront of the effort with events in Nevada and Pennsylvania this week.
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