A reception was held at Albert Shen’s house to honor those in new positions appointed by Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn, King County Executive Dow Constantine, and Governor Chris Gregoire.
Blog: AAJA celebrates 25 years
The Asian American Journalists Association (AAJA) held its lunar new year party and also celebrated its 25th anniversary at the Tea Palace Restaurant last Saturday.
Diversity at the Top honorees credited for community service
“This dinner is not a town hall meeting,” joked Assunta Ng, founder of the Northwest Asian Weekly Foundation, the event’s organizer, referring to the celebration dinner held at the House of Hong on Dec. 4 honoring Dow Constantine, Martha Choe, Lloyd Hara, Mike McGinn, and John Okamoto. They were named the 2009 Top Contributors to the Asian Community by the Northwest Asian Weekly. This year’s theme was “Diversity at the Top.”
Blog: Three rising stars on their way to the governor’s mansion?
The day before the Diversity at the Top dinner, a group of Republicans held a fundraising event at the China Harbor Restaurant for Attorney General Rob McKenna, a hopeful candidate for the 2012 Washington state gubernatorial race.
December: Okazaki co-chairs advisory committee
Mark Okazaki, Neighborhood House Executive Director, is cochair of a 12-member advisory committee that will vote Dec. 14 on who will complete the final year of King County Executive Dow Constantine’s unexpired term. Constantine resigned as council member after he was elected county executive.
Editorial: Why hire Asians? What’s the point?
Last week, it was announced that King County Executive Dow Constantine’s top aides were six notable people. Two of them are Asian Americans Frank Abe and Sung Yang. Seattle Mayor-elect Mike McGinn named Asian American Phil Fujii as one of his three top aides.
Blog: There’s life after politics
Gov. Sarah Palin makes millions as an author after quitting her job before her term as governor of Alaska was over. This is not an example for other politicians to follow.
Constantine vs. Phillips
Candidates for King County Executive Dow Constantine and Larry Phillips were both in the Chinatown Seafair Parade last Sunday, July 19. They have both organized fund raising events in the International District. They have been present at many Asian community dinners. They are both Democrats. And they both even wore blue shirts in the parade.