Open letter to Gov. Jay Inslee: We write on behalf of City of Seattle residents to express deep concern about the recently publicized contract signed between the Washington Department of […]
Local woman champions brother’s release from imprisonment in North Korea
By Stacy Nguyen Northwest Asian Weekly “It’s hard. It’s all consuming. It overshadows everything. I’m always on the phone, always on the computer <!–more–>e-mailing someone, writing letters to someone. […]
How Asians have clashed with U.S. politics
By Jeffrey Osborn Northwest Asian Weekly Asian Americans haven’t always been welcome in the arena of United States politics. As the nation has grown older, policies have changed and boundaries […]
Chinese American Historical Day now California law, Dec. 17 day of inclusion
In commemorating the repeal of the Chinese Exclusion Act and the recent passage of ACR 76 in California, California State Assembly member Mike Eng, the Yee Fow Museum, and other state and national organizations held a public conference on Dec. 6 at the Chinese American Museum in California.
Chinese American Historical Day now California law
In commemorating the repeal of the Chinese Exclusion Act and the recent passage of ACR 76 in Californian, California State Assembly member Mike Eng, the Yee Fow Museum, and other state and national organizations will hold a press conference on Dec. 6 at the Chinese American Museum in California.