Sometimes, a vacation is not all it’s cracked up to be.
Asia Pacific Cultural Center holds 25th Annual New Year’s Celebration
The Tacoma Dome exhibition hall was colorful, joyful, and incredible with exciting performances of many cultures.
Updated, more inclusive “Snow White” at PNB School has two AAPI leads
Ballet is a rigorous discipline, and also very rewarding.
New CEO, Kelli Nomura, excited to lead ICHS into the future
Since November 2022, Kelli Nomura has been settling into her new position as CEO of International Community Health Services (ICHS).
Cherry trees doomed at Pike Place Market
The flowering cherry trees leading to the Pike Place Market will fall prey to Seattle’s monster project to connect downtown and the waterfront.
“Asian American Eyz’d”: Furious, funny, and heartfelt
Bombing—in plain English, a comedian stuck with an audience which isn’t laughing—happens to every comic sooner or later.
President Biden Nominates Julie Su for Secretary of the Department of Labor
Today, President Biden announced his intent to nominate Julie Su to serve as Secretary of the Department of Labor.
President Biden appoints Yamaguchi as Deputy Assistant Secretary for the International Trade Administration
President Joe Biden appointed Kendee Yamaguchi as Deputy Assistant Secretary for the International Trade Administration.
Community shows splintering over ST’s new transit hub
Every time a speaker at a Sound Transit (ST) board meeting on Feb. 23 came out in favor of building a new transit hub on Fourth Avenue—along the rim of the CID—scores of senior citizens sitting in the audience held up their hands and waved their fingers back and forth, like leaves fluttering on branches.
Leaders of House China panel denounce attack on Rep Judy Chu
The leaders of a new House select committee on China defended Democratic Rep. Judy Chu on Sunday, saying it was abhorrent and unacceptable for a GOP lawmaker to question her loyalty to the United States based on her Chinese heritage.