The Seattle Chinese Garden Society raised more than $42,000 in its annual fundraising dinner, “Soaring Dragon Celebration,” at its location at South Seattle Community College on Nov. 9. The money […]
“Akira Takeda Day” declared
Seattle mayor Mike McGinn and the City of Seattle officially declared Friday, Nov. 1, 2013, as “Akira Takeda
Nepal festival celebrates virtues, culture
The biggest festival in Nepal, called Dashai, began its 15-day celebration with a festive event at the Shoreline Conference Center on Oct. 5. Guests included Mayor Mike McGinn, Deputy Mayor […]
First new construction for Yesler Terrace Redevelopment breaks ground
Following years of planning and resident input, the first construction in the redevelopment of Yesler Terrace broke ground on Sept. 5. The groundbreaking ceremony featured local leaders and partners in […]
Sept: 19: Nikkei Concerns holds ground-breaking ceremony for new garden
Nikkei Concerns held a ground-breaking ceremony for a new garden at its five-star accredited rehabilitation and care center, Seattle Keiro. The ceremony featured a traditional Japanese ground-breaking ritual and included […]
BLOG: McGinn’s public relations disaster
. By Assunta Ng Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn is a smart guy with good intentions. Here is the problem, though. He often acts opposite to what he intends, destroying good […]
Stella Chao and City of Seattle part ways — why, and what’s next?
Last Friday, Mayor Mike McGinn released a statement saying he and Stella Chao, director of the City of Seattle’s Department of Neighborhoods