On April 26, Sue Anderson of CenturyLink organized the first ever “All Women in the Suite” at a Seattle Sounders match.
BLOG: Cheering for a competitor and a friend
By Assunta Ng Are there competitors that I admire? Yes, there was one. Carolyn Kelly, retired president of the Seattle Times, used to be my competitor.
BLOG: Inspirational quotes of the week
By Assunta Ng This week, I’ve benefited from many words of wisdom. I thought I’d share them with you.
Blog: A man for all seasons
The first time I heard Nate Miles’ name was during former Mayor Norm Rice’s election in 1989. Miles was one of Rice’s campaign strategists. Many minority publishers wanted advertising. According […]
Blog: Giving the perfect gift to a president
What is the perfect gift for the president of the Seattle Times? Carolyn Kelly, the first female president of the Times, is finally stepping down after
Blog: Happy surprises in fund-raising
Raising money in this economy is tough. At first, checks trickled into my office slowly, very slowly.
High-powered businesswomen to speak on climbing the corporate ladder — their way
However, on Jan. 29 at China Harbor Restaurant in Seattle, men and women of all ages and ethnicities will get a chance to peek into the conference room as powerful women of various backgrounds, who own their own successful businesses or belong to corporations, convene to talk shop — so to speak.