“Women in the Suite” included Debbie Bird, Justice Bobbe Bridge, Senator Claudia Kauffman, Carolyn Kelly, Judge Anne Levinson, Tomoko Moriguchi Matsuno, Diane Narasaki, Assunta Ng, Mary Pugh, Dr. Constance Rice, Tracey Thompson, Dr. Jill Wakefield, Sue Anderson, and others. (Photo provided by Sue Anderson)

From left: Lisa Quinn, Avery Quinn, Roger Levesque, Sue Anderson, and Jane Nishita. (Photo by Assunta Ng/NWAW)
On April 26, Sue Anderson of CenturyLink organized the first ever “All Women in the Suite” at a Seattle Sounders match.
Former Sounder Roger Levesque stopped by the suite for a visit. Apparently, the women were good luck because the Sounders beat the Colorado Rapids 4–1. (end)