It is the Year of the Dragon and the dashing Dragon demands attention and respect, settling for no less than exactly what they want.
Astrological predictions for 2023: Year of the Rabbit
Every year, I am reminded that the only real constant is change and that is definitely true this year.
Predictions and advice for the week of January 14–20, 2023
By Sun Lee Chang Rat—You are no stranger to working hard, but do take the time to occasionally enjoy the fruits of your labor. Ox—Rather than expecting immediate results, be […]
Astrological predictions for 2022: Year of the Tiger
By Sun Lee Chang NORTHWEST ASIAN WEEKLY The Year of the Tiger is about to pounce with a loud roar! No mere meek animal, it is a sign to be […]
Astrological predictions for 2021
By Sun Lee Chang Northwest Asian Weekly After the trials and tribulations of 2020, it is with cautious optimism that we look at the Year of the Ox. The second […]
Predictions and advice for the week of September 19–25, 2020
By Sun Lee Chang Rat—You tend to be far less filtered than your counterparts. Some will find your honesty refreshing. Ox—Living your truth can be uncomfortable at first, but it […]
Predictions and advice for the week of September 12–18, 2020
By Sun Lee Chang Northwest Asian Weekly Rat—Rather than following an old routine out of habit, create one that better suits your current needs. Ox—You can’t be in two places […]
Predictions and advice for the week of September 5-September 11, 2020
By Sun Lee Chang Northwest Asian Weekly Rat—Some time spent away from the fray could give you much needed clarity for when you rejoin the action. Ox—Despite the lack of […]
Astrological predictions for 2020 – Year of the Rat
By Sun Lee Chang NORTHWEST ASIAN WEEKLY The Rat occupies a special place as the first animal in the 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac. In the Rat, ambition and […]
Astrological Predictions for 2019: Year of the Pig
By Sun Lee ChangNORTHWEST ASIAN WEEKLY What do Arnold Schwarzenegger, Elton John, and Julie Andrews have in common? They were all born in the Year of the Pig! Set to […]