NEW YORK (AP) — Public attitudes toward immigration are put to the test on the latest episode of a news–reality
Far East awkwardly meets Old West ‘Yellowfish’ review
John Keeble’s novel “Yellowfish” begins in the thick fog of San Francisco’s Chinatown. In such a fog, things disappear
2008 news: The TOP 5 overlooked, the TOP 5 overrated
As editor of the Northwest Asian Weekly, one of the hardest aspects of my job is deciding which stories are important
Visas for victims can lead to green cards
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) have announced the implementation of a rule that will allow
Gregoire calls for deportation of jailed illegal aliens
SEATTLE (AP) — To save money, Gov. Chris Gregoire wants illegal aliens serving time in state prisons deported.
Astronaut reaches for the stars
These were the first words uttered by the crew of the STS-124 shuttle Discovery to members of the International
Husband and wife honored for philanthropy
The Martinez Foundation publicly recognized Jerry and Charlene Lee for their support at its gala in October. In addition to serving on the Martinez
New Asian American law school dean at UW?
Finalists for the deanship of the University of Washington School of Law will be visiting the university for interviews in January.
Miss Chinatown tries to break into Hong Kong
Ni Jiang made Seattle proud when she captured the national title of Miss Chinatown Queen in 2008.
Lawyer with local ties wins Trailblazers Award
Nelson Dong was honored with the 2008 National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA) Trailblazers Award