The Mukai Studio Ghibli Festival is set to return to Vashon Island this summer, marking the beginning of a series of screenings at the Vashon Theater in collaboration with Friends of Mukai.
Brogan appointed to State Transportation Commission
Gov. Jay Inslee has appointed Rita Brogan of Vashon Island to the Washington State Transportation Commission. She will serve the remaining four years of the six-year term vacated by former […]
4Culture awards $69,750 in historic preservation grants
4Culture has awarded 15 organizations at total of $69,750 from its Preservation Sustained Support grant program. The program provides funding to King County-based non-profit organizations, public development authorities, and municipalities […]
Goodbye, David Ishii, city’s ‘community baby’
By Jean Godden For Northwest Asian Weekly There are books of mine that, when I page through them, I can’t help remembering where I acquired them. And, if the book […]