By Bob Santos For the Northwest Asian Weekly The letter was dated Nov. 12, 2012 and said, “It is with great
Righting a wrong — Congress seeks to amend Civil Rights Act for benefit of cannery workers
By Jason Cruz Northwest Asian Weekly Congressman Jim McDermott introduced a bill last week that would right a wrong inflicted upon many Asian American cannery workers more than 30 years […]
Author Ron Chew tells often forgotten story of murdered Filipino cannery workers
For Northwest Asian Weekly Ron Chew, executive director of the International Community Health Services Foundation, said his recently completed book on Silme Domingo and Gene Viernes, two young cannery union […]
Letter: Seattle’s Filipino community exists
I am a Filipino-American, Washington resident for the last 14 years and avid reader of Northwest Asian Weekly. I was intrigued by your recent article in the latest edition (Vol. 27, No. 48) regarding the addition of Maria Arcega-Dunn to the Q13 Fox News team in Seattle.
Letter: Seattle’s Filipino community exists
I am a Filipino-American, Washington resident for the last 14 years and avid reader of Northwest Asian Weekly. I was intrigued by your recent article in the latest edition (Vol. 27, No. 48) regarding the addition of Maria Arcega-Dunn to the Q13 Fox News team in Seattle …
Murderer dies in Aberdeen
A Filipino former union president who was serving a life sentence for murder has been found dead at Stafford Creek prison near Aberdeen, according to The Aberdeen Daily World.