By Zachariah Bryan Northwest Asian Weekly Despite what the naysayers may say, jazz isn’t dead. It’s alive, and it thrives both in Seattle and its sister city of 56 years, […]
March 19: SeattleJapanRelief organizations hold gathering to raise money for Japan
SeattleJapanRelief, a collaboration of Japanese American and Japanese organizations, held a special ceremony at Seattle Center’s Kobe Bell and north lawn. Short remarks were
Aug. 23: Rainier Beach Back2School Bash gives away 900 backpacks
The Back2School Bash was held at Beer Sheva Park in Rainier Beach. The event was organized by Gregory Davis and the Rainier Beach Community Empowerment Commission (RBCEC)
From one Washington to the other
“The U.S. immigration system is broken,” said President Barack Obama in a video message. Families are being torn apart and employers are using the system to exploit workers. The president promised a comprehensive bill to fix the system, in addition tomaking immigration reform a top priority.