Seattle Mayor Edward Murray invites community members to apply for an open position on the International Special Review District (ISRD) Board. The seven-member ISRD Board reviews façade alterations, signs, new […]
EDITORIAL: The fire’s out, come on in!
For most people, the Christmas Eve fire in the International District’s Hudson Building seems like a long time ago.
ID elects three to board positions
By Sue Misao Northwest Asian Weekly The job of preserving the look and feel of Chinatown falls to the International Special Review District.
Mayor seeks candidates for International Special Review District Board, due Jan. 30
Mayor Mike McGinn invites residents to apply for an open position on the International Special Review District Board. The available position is one of two seats on the board that […]
New temporary office hours for Downtown Neighborhood Service Center
Due to the relocation of the Downtown Neighborhood Service Center, biweekly office hours in the International District were discontinued, effective as of Monday, Aug. 25. The office is relocating to Pioneer Square.