By Jean Wong Northwest Asian Weekly “My father (Chinese-born in the Philippines) says he never had a preference on what gender his kids would be, but I heard my mother, […]
Shoreline a bright spot for thriving Korean Americans
By Jean Wong Northwest Asian Weekly Among the cities in Washington with a large Korean American community presence, Shoreline stands out. Having had three Korean American elected officials, two of […]
Teen Talk Time: No adults allowed — A KCLS program allows ESL students to teach one another English, as well as how to update Facebook statuses
By Jean C Wong Northwest Asian Weekly For more than a decade, Richmond Beach Library has offered ESL classes, in addition to Talk Time for adults, helping people improve their […]
McDermott a good pick for India ambassador?
The post for U.S. Ambassador to India has just opened up after the sudden resignation of former Ambassador Timothy Roemer, who was appointed by President Obama in 2009.
Young widow comforts her children in the wake of her husband’s tragic death
On Saturday, April 23 just after 5 p.m., three were involved in an accident on Highway 18 near Tiger Mountain, 15 minutes away from North Bend.
Should I stay or should I go? — Despite fears surrounding Japan’s nuclear situation, many expats stay put
With the nuclear situation unclear in Japan, expats are urged to evacuate affected areas.