After a surprising resignation — followed by some controversial finger-pointing and an administrative leave order — Medina Police Department (MPD)
The election outcomes
Results as of press time on Wednesday night, Nov. 4
Initiative Measure No. 1033
66.72 percent NO to 33.28 percent YES
Referendum Measure No. 71
66.59 percent APPROVED to 33.41 percent REJECTED
Opinion: Northwest Asian Weekly endorses the following Asian Americans:
Patsy Bonincontri has served on the Bellevue City Council since 1998. She earned her bachelor’s degree in architecture from the University of Southern California. She would like to continue to advocate for improving the quality of life in Bellevue, invest in human capital, and upgrade its infrastructure to support anticipated growth.
June 14: Seattle’s Chinatown raises $166,596 for quake victims
What inspired a wife to be pitted against her husband, a restaurateur to give up jewelry worth $24,000, 30 youths to go door