The original “Kung Fu Panda,” an animated film from 2008, gave us the enchanting, if unlikely, premise of an overfed giant panda (voiced by Jack Black) who struggles to master kung fu.
An American state dinner for a Chinese president
Last week, the president and first lady threw a state dinner at the White House in honor of Chinese President Hu Jintao. Dinner guests included celebrities, business people,
Dancer’s win unfair? Jackie Chan continues box office gold streak
Let’s check out what’s in store for your favorite Asian American celebrities this summer! Last month (amid some grumblings), pop group Pussycat Dolls’ lead singer Nicole Scherzinger,
Kal Penn has a very good and very bad month: A-pop! is monthly column about all things Asian in pop culture
It’s that time of the month again! We have more news about your favorite Asian and Asian American celebrities! Kal Penn has announced his return to show business.
‘Warlords’ missing 16 crucial minutes
Peter Chan’s Chinese battle epic, “The Warlords,” opens with a creepy voice narrating, “He told me — that dying was easy and living was hard.” But who is speaking? And who is he speaking about?
Funny action-man Jackie Chan ably dives headfirst into gritty gangster drama
By Irfan Shariff NORTHWEST ASIAN WEEKLY International action film star Jackie Chan wants to prove that he can do more than just stunts. With the release of “Shinjuku Incident,” Jackie […]
Jackie Chan to wax on … and wax off
Happy new year to you and to our favorite Asian American celebrities! Some of our favorites had a pretty rough ending to the year, while others had reasons to celebrate. Here’s what went down last month: Tiger Woods — need I say more? Jon Gosselin is detached from Kate once and for all, Jackie Chan’s “Karate Kid” trailer is released, and Jay Sean makes music history.
Action-packed “Ong-Bak 2” doesn’t disappoint
At age 33, Thailand’s Tony Jaa seems poised to replace Jackie Chan in the world of Asian martial arts film. Like Jackie Chan, Jaa’s movies emphasize all-natural fights and stunts. They avoid the use of computer graphics and stuntman substitutions for the leading man.
Asians, embrace your uniqueness
Being a typical Chinese who immigrated to the “land of the free” two years ago and unable to speak English fluently, ignorance and isolation are what I usually experience from others.
Escape racism and negative stereotypes
During my stay at SYLP, we talked about diversity. However, with diversity, there is racism. I think the root of racism can be traced back to the Holocaust and American slavery.