By Andrew Hamlin Northwest Asian Weekly “Kung Fu Panda 3,” from DreamWorks, marks the third installment of the adventures of Po, an amiable and witty animated panda bear who, somewhat […]
EDITORIAL: Where should you move to be perfect?
An interesting article published recently by the website gave a fascinating look at how culture can shape and evaluate ideas of beauty and what we perceive as the ideal […]
A 23-year-old journey for magical rice
By Wayne Chan Northwest Asian Weekly We just came back from a three-week vacation in Italy! You know what I was looking forward to the most? Chinese food. Ok, settle […]
Advice from a graduate
We all have dreams. Some want to be actors, doctors, or professional athletes. Me? I wanted to become an international sports agent. I grew up in a very active sports […]
BLOG: Spotlight on youth — An unforgettable summer!!!
Ina Dash University of Washington “I got to see first-hand how bumblebee pollination affects crop production in Seattle’s P-patches (community gardens) through a University of Washington citizen-science project. Insect pollinators […]
BLOG: From Venice to new nations in seven days
By Assunta Ng Would you like to travel to new countries at a cost of $100 a day, including room, multiple meals, and transportation?
Filipinos abroad hired Cupids to serenade lovers
By Teresa Cerojano The Associated Press MANILA, Philippines (AP) — Angelica Nino, a 22-year-old manager of a Manila restaurant, was preparing to assign shifts to her crew last week when […]
Inouye, first Japanese American Senator, dead at 88
By Andrew Taylor The Associated Press WASHINGTON, D.C. (AP) — Recovering from war wounds that left him with one arm, Danny Inouye wanted a cigarette and needed a light.
BLOG: Welcome to Chinatown, Amanda!
By Assunta Ng Did you know that Amanda Knox, acquitted of murder in Italy last year, is living in the International District? Folks have seen her dining at World Pizza. […]
Dentist from Alaska helps honor Nisei soldiers
By Mary Beth Smetzer Fairbanks Daily News-Miner FAIRBANKS, Alaska (AP) — The day Pearl Harbor was bombed, Dec. 7, 1941, Brian Yamamoto’s father, Edward, was attending the University of Southern […]