By Staff
The Seattle Bruce Lee Fan Club announced in a news release on Feb. 2, a request for research from Hong Kong and China on the possibility of a Bruce Lee child in Hong Kong.
A public school application filled out by the late martial arts star and actor indicates he may have had a dependent in 1959, six years before his son, Brandon, was born.
The Seattle Bruce Lee Fan Club received a copy of Bruce Lee’s application from Seattle Public Schools for Edison Technical School. The application was filled out by Bruce Lee himself and indicated he has one dependent or one child.
The marking on the application indicates he may have first marked zero then corrected to clearly indicate the number one, possibly after feeling some remorse.
In a news release, fan club directors Charlette LeFevre and Philip Lipson said this reference to a child “may have been a situation with a woman which was a sacred secret” and that this child “may have been secretly funded or supported by Bruce as a close friend of the family and this child may be included in family photos.”
This child is believed to have been born in 1959 and likely remained close friends with the family.
A request for a comment from Shannon Lee, Bruce Lee’s second known child, went unanswered.
The directors believe China and society is now more accepting of children outside of traditional relationships and a child may be confirmed through DNA analysis.
Anyone with information is asked to contact Charlette LeFevre or Philip Lipson at 206-523-6348.
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Greg Manwaring says
Bruce may have just been claiming himself as the dependent, as those forms can be confusing, especially to an 18 year old kid from another country.
Charlette LeFevre says
We thought so too but there are four aspects weighing against Bruce claiming himself as a reason for the answer of “1”.
1. It was not a tax form so no need to claim him or anyone else.
2. Bruce knew English as demonstrated in his writing.
3. The line of questions was preceded by a marriage question where he answered “single” and hence the following question of dependents or children was a standard question on most forms Bruce would have been familiar with.
4. If there was a question regarding the term “dependent” Bruce was likely in the school office where he could have inquired with the secretary.
The fact that this was his second answer indicates he gave this question some thought and likely felt remorse. He was being truthful and honest.