Jeffrey Sung
The Sue Eastgard Training Excellence Award was presented to Jeffrey Sung, M.D., an acting instructor with the UW Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and president-elect of the Washington State Psychiatric Association.
More than 400 suicide prevention advocates came together Nov. 18 in the University of Washington’s HUB Grand Ballroom to attend Care, Connect, Build at Forefront: Innovations in Suicide Prevention’s third annual event to raise awareness that everyone has a role to play in suicide prevention. Funds were raised for the suicide prevention cause.
Forefront is a social impact organization in the UW School of Social Work. It led the historic passage of three pieces of legislation making Washington the first state in the nation to require suicide prevention training for mental health professionals, doctors, nurses, teachers and schools. Forefront also is leading efforts to promote comprehensive approaches to suicide prevention in high schools and institutions of higher education. (end)
Hard to fathom how a psychiatrist who uses an outdated psycho-analytic approach could receive an award like this one? I consulted on a case for one of his former clients who came to our clinic after being a patient of his in a suicidal crisis.
He neither used the CAMS approach nor had an effective suicide plan in place and nearly lost her. We were able to rapidly stabilize her by using some pretty basic MCBT approaches coupled with a CAMS engagement strategy.