Photo by John Liu/NWAW
A power outage hit Chinatown International District on its busy hours last Sunday lunch from noon to after 6 p.m.
Several blocks were affected including S. King St., Jackson St., Weller, Maynard Ave. S., and 12th Ave. S. At least 50 businesses were closed during the outage; some opened later when power resumed.
Businesses closed during the outage included Uwajimaya, Shanghai Garden Restaurant, Jade Garden Restaurant, Mongolian Hot Pot, Mike’s Noodle House and many other restaurants. Despite the outage, some business remained open such as Yummy Bakery, A Piece of Cake, and others.
The cause of outage was due to equipment failure, according to the Seattle City Light website. About 3000 locations (households and businesses) suffered from the power outage. (end)