Michelle Louie
In the world today, about 27 million people are trafficked for prostitution and forced labor. According to recent studies in Ghana alone, about 20 percent of children are engaged in child labor, most of who are captured by Ghanaian fishermen coming from the North Atlantic Ocean. Recently, it was reported that girls from Ghana have been found in Russia living as prostitutes.
We can help diminish these numbers by raising awareness. The issues faced by advocates trying to combat human trafficking in Ghana are due to a lack of funding, lack of unawareness of child labor, and lack of knowledge of the country of Ghana itself.
On average, the typical Ghanaian makes 2,500 U.S. dollars per year. Ghana has one of the highest risks of diseases, with citizens suffering from such ailments as hepatitis, malaria, and rabies.
Many in America do not know anything about Ghana, and advocacy groups have little support there. But by raising awareness of trafficking in Ghana, we can help raise awareness and provide resources to victims of human trafficking.
A simple and easy solution is to donate to charities. Two good ones that I personally suggest are the Polaris Project and World Vision, which help feed hungry children. When families are fed, they are able to concentrate on making enough money to support themselves, rather than finding just enough money to have a small meal.
Instead of getting an education, kids often have to work in order to save their own lives or risk starving to death. The working conditions are terrible for these people who are trafficked and they encounter terrible situations. They are treated like slaves and are willing to do anything to survive. Another solution is education, especially for young women, as it is the time when they are at the highest risk for being trafficked. So help make a small donation, it could help a family keep a loved one. (end)
Editor’s note: This story was written by a Summer Youth Leadership Program student, not a Northwest Asian Weekly staff member.
Amanda Christmann Larson says
Thanks for caring about this issue! We are doing a bike ride across America to raise awareness about child trafficking worldwide, and to raise money for a safe house for rescued child slaves in Ghana! Check out http://www.babesblockingtraffic.com. We are part of Compassionate Journeys, registered in both the United States and Ghana.