On Oct. 29, a new multi-purpose trail on Beacon Hill was opened. The 12-foot wide, paved trail connects the I-90 trail at the south end of the Jose Rizal Bridge (12th Avenue South) with Holgate Street in Seattle’s SODO area.
It is part of the regional Mountains-to-Sound Greenway trail system. The grand opening represents a public-private partnership that dates back nearly 20 years and involves more than 20 community partners.
“Together, we have taken an underutilized space that has long been a safety concern, and through creative design, partnerships, and community involvement, have turned it into [a] welcoming [and] accessible space for our community,” said Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn.
The new trail is the first in Seattle to be illuminated by street lights, placed about every 160 feet, as a Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) strategy. Other improvements include fencing on both sides of the level pathway, easy-to-read directional signs, removal of invasive species, and native plantings to enhance the experience for all users.
The new trail is one of the several features planned to improve public access to and safety of this greenbelt area on the west side of North Beacon Hill. Other plans include a community garden and a revitalized orchard.
The $2.58 million project is funded by $1.8 million from the city’s eight-year Pro Parks Levy, which passed in 2000, as well as funds from WSDOT and a federal grant through the Puget Sound Regional Council. WSDOT managed the project, and SDOT oversaw the design and construction. (end)