The 2010 Census was due May 1, 2010. Anyone who did not respond to the mail-in questionnaire will receive an in-person visit from a census taker. While it is very important to be cooperative, households should take care to open their doors to official census takers only. Look for the following identifiers: Official census takers will have a badge with a Census Bureau logo and will provide you with supervisor contact information and/or the local census office phone number. Do not be afraid to call for verification. A real census taker will not be offended. Census takers will never ask you for your citizenship status, Social Security number, or any type of credit card or banking information. ♦
For information in Chinese, call 1-866-935-2010. For info in Korean, call 1-866-955-2010. For info in Vietnamese, call 1-866-945-2010.
Maureenn says
Not sure what you mean by ‘effective date’. But, the date that the census is trying to get a snapshot of is 4/1/2010. We’re trying to count everyone where they were on that date.
Janett Scott says
I’m trying to find out the effective date of the 2010 census. I beleive the date is Mar 31, 2011. Would you please confirm the effective date. Thanks