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Women in Power: Politics and Government
Friday, September 25, 2009
China Harbor Restaurant
2040 Westlake Ave. N.
Seattle, WA 98109
Reservations for Luncheon:
Discounted price of $20 if purchased by September 20. Full price of $30 after September 21. Walk-ins $35. Student price of $10 with I.D. before September 20 ($20 for student walk-ins). No tickets will be mailed; confirmation is by e-mail only. To sponsor a table of 10 is $750 (Sponsor’s name will appear in the program flier. Sponsor’s name and logo will also appear in the Northwest Asian Weekly.). Men are welcome!
For more info, contact rsvp@nwasianweekly.com or 206-223-0623.
Kip Toner says
Hi Assunta:
Thanks for the invite. Glad you are honoring friends including Sharon Tomiko Santos and Cheryl Chow. I have attended in the past, but regret I will miss Women In Power this year. Hope the event goes great!Please say congratulations to Sharon & Cheryl for me.
Best regards to you.