From top to bottom: The new Uwajimaya store front in Renton; The Moriguchi family and key people who helped develop and open the Renton Uwajimaya all cut the ribbon; Shoppers pick out fresh produce at the new store.
The new Uwajimaya (formerly a Thriftway) in the Renton Village Shopping Center at 501 S. Grady Way hosted its grand opening at 9 a.m. The new store cost over $4 million in remodeling.
More than 300 patrons were entertained by Taiko drumming and a ribbon cutting ceremony. To commemorate its opening, over $3,000 was collected for the Salvation Army from the family, friends and, customers.
Renton Mayor Dennis Law, several city council members, and other elected officials were there to congratulate the Moriguchi clan. A Shinto blessing was performed to cleanse evil from the store. Afterward, people were eager to shop and check out the new place.
When the first store opened in 1928 in Tacoma by the Moriguchi parents, Uwajimaya’s merchandise was targeted at Japanese immigrants. Today its newest store and enterprise ran by the family’s third generation is fully stocked with Asian and mainstream groceries.
Don Sakai is in charge of the Renton store. ♦