The Puget Sound Community School (PSCS), an innovative 21st century school for sixth through 12th-graders, announced Oct. 27 that they will move to a new space located in the International District at 660 South Dearborn.
PSCS is excited to be located in a neighborhood with such rich diversity and a celebrated history.
A community center with an indoor gym, a branch of the Seattle Public Library, and Uwajimaya Village — all within a one-block proximity to the school — are among the many benefits of the surrounding neighborhood.
Founded in 1994, the central educational purpose of PSCS is to help students learn to use their minds well while becoming thoughtful, sincere, and respectful global citizens. The school believes that the best way to do this is to provide its students a collaborative educational community that respects and honors their individuality, challenges them to step outside their comfort zones and encourages them to pursue those things that bring them joy.
For more information about PSCS, visit