Immigration services, or “notario,” fraud is illegal under Washington state’s Immigration Services Fraud Prevention Act (ISFPA). Signed into law in 2011 at the request of the Attorney General’s Office, the […]
APIs not using new immigrant program
By Jason Cruz Northwest Asian Weekly Although a government program gives undocumented immigrants the opportunity to gain status and prevent the possibility of deportation, few Asian Pacific Islanders are utilizing […]
CulturalFest makes the world smaller
By Elizabeth Wang Northwest Asian Weekly The world shrunk just a tiny bit last Thursday and Friday, Feb. 14 and Feb. 15, as students at the University of Washington (UW) […]
To sniff or not to sniff? — Public displays of affection gaining ground among Asian Americans, though some still squeamish
By Nina Huang Northwest Asian Weekly In the West, one common way to show affection is to kiss someone. In many non-English speaking Western countries, such as European or Latin […]
Commentary: A recipe for the world’s ethnic salad
Have you ever walked down a street and counted how many different languages you hear? Well, if you haven’t, you should because
Editorial: Notoriety for Asians is justice for Latin America
Asians have been prominent in the media lately. However, it is not positive news …