As a Chinese American woman who was born and raised in the U.S., speaks English, holds a terminal degree, and lives an upper-middle-class lifestyle in the suburbs, I have never had to call the police for personal protection.
The Paper Shield: The racism behind unenforced protection orders
When the court issues a 10-year protection order to safeguard a victim-survivor from persistent and racist harassment, one could reasonably assume the survivor has the law on their side, that they will feel safer in their home, and that the police will protect the survivor.
Standing for justice: Our resolution
On Sept. 24, 2024, Zhen Jin went back to court again.
Ad nauseum: The impact of language injustice
Sitting closely around the conference table at Seattle’s Chinese Information Service Center, volunteers, advocates, and pro-bono lawyers surround Zhen Jin as she awaits her to turn to be heard by the Superior Court via Zoom.
Shatter the model minority myth for collective justice
I urge you to stand in solidarity and fight for the freedom we all deserve.