Seattle is not a cultural desert. There were two fabulous fashion shows highlighting Asian touches shown last week. One was Bunka Women’s University fashion show from Japan at Seattle Central […]
Blog: A momentous visit at Northwest Asian Weekly’s office
On Thursday, Sept. 24, Chinese Consul General of San Francisco Gao Zhansheng and Washington state Attorney General Rob McKenna dropped by the Northwest Asian Weekly’s office in Seattle’s Chinatown/International District. Gao’s friend had called us two days earlier about his visit, but he never mentioned McKenna.
Blog: APA Summit at Microsoft
This must be a women’s week in Seattle. The Asian Pacific American Summit for API women, a national leadership conference, held on Microsoft campus, had attracted Asian women from all […]
BLOG: Women of Color meets elected officials
Fifteen women of Color elected officials including Asian, Black, Latino and Native American descent, were honored at China Harbor Restaurant by the Women of Color Empowered. More than 230 women […]
Blog: Clark T. Randt a different man from 5 years ago
Clark T. Randt, US Ambassador to the People’s Republic of China was WSCRC’s keynote speaker. He was the last on the program and many guests had left by the time […]
Blog: InterIm’s 40th anniversary
The InterIm Community Development Association celebrated its 40th anniversary on Sept. 19 with practical strategies. The event used to include silent and live auctions, eliminated all those. Instead, this year […]
Blog: Commerce Secretary Locke was in town last week
Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke flew back to Seattle on Sept. 12 and stayed for the weekend for a few personal obligations. Locke’s family moved to Maryland in July.
Blog: Greg Nickels event cancelled
A big dinner honoring Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels to be held at the Seattle Westin Hotel was cancelled due to lack of interest. Nickels lost his reelection on Aug. 18 […]
Blog: How did I spend my 9/11 day?
I am not one of Washington state’s powerful women, but I was generous to host them in a dim sum lunch in the New Hong Kong Restaurant, in the International District.
Blog: The MC is the glue of the program
Have you felt annoyed at events when speakers go on and on? How do you stop them? If your program is not strong but has a great emcee, s/he would know how to make it work.