If I told you that General Electric has grown four times faster than its competition for decades and will continue to do so for years to come, yet its stock trades are well below its competition, wouldn’t you sell your car to buy as much GE stock as you could?
Commentary: Reality check: immigrants and their health care
As the current debate on health care rages in town halls across the nation, immigration is being used as a way to jam a stick into the wheels of impending reform.
Commentary: Asians? Not so ragin’ (and pretty unimpressed with Seattle Weekly)
“Once again, Maynard Avenue South fills with droves of flush-faced Asians, headed home with car keys dangling from one hand and a carton of chow mein in the other.”
Commentary: Publisher’s confession: Why I blog
Did you know that you can simply blackmail me if you want me to do something?
Commentary: Asian Americans must demand reform in their healthcare
The Asian American community has long borne the “model minority” myth which has contributed to concealing the major health concerns that face members of this community.
Commentary: Where are the Asian American federal judges?
Sonia Sotomayor’s nomination and pending confirmation as U.S. Supreme Court associate justice marks a significant milestone for the U.S. Hispanic population. By anyone’s measure, Sotomayor has lived an incredibly compelling life, from being born to Puerto Rican immigrants and growing up in the South Bronx public housing projects to graduating from Princeton University at the top of her class and presiding as a highly respected federal judge.
Commentary: The time for immigration enforcement is now!
Calls for comprehensive immigration reform are now abundant. These are nothing more than calls for an open immigration policy and amnesty for 12 to 20 million illegal aliens.
Commentary: In Filipino politics: Joseph Estrada is a Lazarus
Amid the controversy surrounding the unpopular Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo (GMA) administration, former President Joseph Estrada has expressed interest in becoming, once again, chief executive of the Philippines in 2010.
Commentary: Time for immigration reform is now
The White House and members of Congress must move quickly on enacting a just and humane immigration reform package that will reunite families, reinvigorate the economy, and remove the term “illegal or undocumented immigrants” from the dialogue in this country.
COMMENTARY: After-school programs make all the difference
One of the most exciting partnerships formed last year was with Van Asselt’s Community Learning Center program run by Tiny Tots Development Center. “Navigating Vietnam” runs once a month at Van Asselt’s after-school program.