The City of Seattle is stepping up efforts to keep the Chinatown-International District clean.
Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) has extended its litter abatement service to cover 5th Avenue to 8th Avenue from Jackson to Weller Streets (both block side faces, except 5th Ave Bus Station side), and includes King Street. The route will occur one day a week on Saturday.
Other highlights include:
SPU adding top-off services to public trash cans in the vicinity (30 public place litter and recycling cans). Currently, public trash cans are serviced twice a day, seven days a week. A top-off will mitigate trash overflow in-between service.
Chinatown-International District Business Improvement Area (CIDBIA) getting additional funds to support additional street cleaning services.
SPU working with the Office of Economic Development to increase CIDBIA street-cleaning hours by 60 additional hours per month to cover extra litter and graffiti abatement services.
“Graffiti Rangers” increasing graffiti abatement sweeps from biweekly to weekly. SPU will also work with CIDBIA to educate private property owners about graffiti abatement resources.
An increase in the Clear Alley Program (CAP), which would include inspections and visits to CAP areas to 3-4 times per week, to note any safety and cleaning needs.