A jury on April 20 found former Minneapolis Police officer Derek Chauvin guilty of murder and manslaughter in the death of George Floyd.
Chauvin knelt on Floyd’s neck for more than 9 minutes last year in one of the most consequential trials of the Black Lives Matter era. The jurors deliberated for more than 10 hours over two days before coming to their decision.
The verdict sparked immediate reaction from Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) advocacy groups and lawmakers.
“George Floyd’s life mattered and Black Lives Matter. Guilty verdicts are steps toward justice, but we cannot expect real change without sustained accountability and commitment to meaningful reform. We must continue our work, not just by acknowledging the existence of systemic racism and bias, but by fighting every day to forever eradicate this impediment to health, justice, and equal opportunity for all.” — Kim-Khanh Van , Renton City Councilmember
“It is a testament to the power of mass action with multiracial, working-class solidarity. All credit goes to the rank-and-file activists in the Black Lives Matter movement for this victory.” — Kshama Sawant, Seattle City Councilmember
“I am relieved that a jury held Chauvin accountable for murder, and it is my sincere hope that this guilty on all counts verdict is the first step in the long march towards justice. The U.S. Senate has no more excuses. It’s time to pass the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act to rebuild trust in policing and improve public safety for all people, regardless of zip code or background.” — Rep. Marilyn Strickland
“Today’s verdict brings accountability for the murder of George Floyd, who should and would be alive right now were it not for a system that permits and too often excuses the use of excessive force—predominantly against Black people. Ending the use of dangerous tactics like choke holds and no knock warrants and limiting the immunity that shields police from accountability for their actions are essential for ending police brutality.” — Rep. Judy Chu (D-California)
“Asian Americans will be part of the ongoing fight for police accountability.” — The Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund