The Washington State Commission on Asian Pacific American Affairs (CAPAA) welcomed three new commissioners in July—Julio Diaz, Ping Ping, and Va’eomatoka Valu.
Valu is from south King County, and is a member of the Pacific Islander Health Board and the Pacific Islander Community Association. He plans to channel his knowledge and energy into fighting for systemic change and justice for Pacific Islander communities.
Ping is from Spokane County and brings passion and experience advocating for AAPI communities as an educator.
Diaz is from Thurston County and currently chairs the City of Federal Way’s Civil Service Commission and plans to concentrate on advancing civil rights for APIs, immigrants, and refugees.
Brenda O’Brien has been hired to serve as CAPAA’s project coordinator. She is Korean American with Korean language proficiency. She works for Washington state’s Department of Social and Health Services with extensive experience in office management.
Information on the full board and staff can be found online at