Social distancing at Uwajimaya Seattle (Photo by Assunta Ng)
Pho Bac Sup Shop for takeout or delivery in Seattle (Photo provided by Yenvy Pham)
We hadn’t seen grandma in almost 2 months, and we delivered to her takeout and bubble tea! Later on, we had a picnic outside the front door while talking to her through the screen! Thinking outside the box…. From left: Susan Ulep, Tek Kung, Zoi Kung, Robert Ulep, and Grandma Teresita Ulep peeking from the window
We hadn’t seen grandma in almost 2 months, and we delivered to her takeout and bubble tea! Later on, we had a picnic outside the front door while talking to her through the screen! Thinking outside the box….
95-year-old Mrs. Chang stays home to do alterations to entertain herself.
Mary Mautz sewing masks at home for a project of the International Chinese Christian Church of Tacoma
Virtual family reunion via Zoom (Photo by Becky Chan)