SEATTLE — Historic South Downtown (HSD), a state-created Community Preservation and Development Authority, announced on March 26 that it will immediately begin to distribute up to $475,000 in emergency funding to sustain nonprofit and small businesses in the Pioneer Square and Chinatown-International District (ID).
Azar Koulibaly, vice president of HSD, said, “The ID in particular was hard hit early on in this emergency, and businesses throughout South Downtown are in crisis. We exist to invest in these two neighborhoods so our funds should be made available at this critical time.”
HSD is releasing a Request for Proposals that will fund tax-exempt organizations.
“The first category is available to any nonprofit in the two neighborhoods that needs additional support right now,” explained Kathleen Barry Johnson, HSD Executive Director. “The second category is for specific nonprofits that support small businesses and have programs to respond to the pandemic emergency.”
Interested organizations can find the Request for Proposals and application material at