Roger Chiu
Roger Chiu, a long-time fixture at International Community Health Services (ICHS), has decided to retire this month after 38 years of dedicated service as ICHS laboratory manager and medical technician.
Described as a modest, low-key individual, Chiu started at ICHS in 1980, right after he graduated from Seattle University’s medical technology program. At the time, ICHS was located in a storefront on Maynard Avenue, across from Hing Hay Park.
Chiu, 64, said he will miss his co-workers. “They are just like my family,” he said. “We laughed and argued just like one. Actually, I spent more time with them than with my biological family.”
But that’s about to change. Chiu will be moving to Irvine, Calif. to be closer to his children and their families.