Shuxuan Zhou

Jane Wong
Shuxuan Zhou and Jane Wong received the University of Washington College of Arts and Sciences (A&S) Graduate Medals in Social Sciences and Humanities, respectively. The medal is awarded to exceptional graduate students, based on faculty recommendations.
Zhou grew up in Fujian, China, and she wrote her dissertation on gender, women, and sexuality studies that presented a historical-ethnographic account of Fujian’s forestry industry, particularly the role of gender in labor migration, mobilization, layoffs, and protest in that industry.
Wong won the 2016 Stanley Kunitz Memorial Prize from American Poetry Review. Her first book of poetry, Overpour, was recently published. Wong’s work as a UW graduate student in the Department of English focuses on Asian American literary history. Wong’s dissertation proposes that “haunting” is a unifying trope and theme across a variety of female-presenting Asian American and Asian diasporic poets.