Dr. Ming Xiao (left) with Sung Yang, King County Executive chief of staff. (Photo by Assunta Ng/NWAW)
The City of Seattle and King County proclaimed Feb. 26, 2017 to be Dr. Ming Xiao Day. Xiao, the president of the Cantonese Association of Washington, was honored the same evening at the organization’s banquet at China Harbor Restaurant.

Proclaiming stating Feb. 26, 2017 as Dr. Ming Xiao Day
Xiao was honored for her contributions to the Chinese community, and for serving as an essential bridge between groups on behalf of the Chinese community by actively communicating with government officials.
Several dignitaries attended the festivities, including Lt. Gov. Cyrus Habib and Washington Secretary of State Kim Wyman. The event raised $6,050 for Seattle Children’s Hospital.