On Jan. 29, children and their parents, and for the first time, a couple of canines took part in the Lunar New Year Children’s Parade and Northwest Asian Weekly’s 8th Annual Costume Contest in Seattle’s International District. See the bright, colorful costumes and pay special attention to the creations that took home the top prizes. The Costume Contest was part of the Chinatown-International District Business Improvement Area’s (CIDBIA) day-long Lunar New Year Celebration that included dances and martial arts demonstrations.
Photos by George Liu & Andre Chow

The crowd waiting for the show to start. (Photo by George Liu/NWAW)

Seattle Mayor Ed Murray (right) with husband Michael Shiosaki. Murray spoke before the festivities began. (Photo by George Liu/NWAW)

Contestants waiting in the parade. (Photo by Andre Chow)
Contestants line up. (Photo by George Liu/NWAW)
Lena Hou (left), and brother Ian (right), with Leon in the panda costume. (Photo by George Liu/NWAW)
Volunteers leading the parade. (Photo by George Liu/NWAW)
Emcees Gary Tang (left) and Thu Ngo (right). (Photo by George Liu/NWAW)
All the contestants. (Photo by George Liu/NWAW)
Contestant and emcee Gary Tang (Photo by George Liu/NWAW)
(Photo by George Liu/NWAW)
(Photo by George Liu/NWAW)
(Photo by George Liu/NWAW)
(Photo by George Liu/NWAW)
(Photo by George Liu/NWAW)
(Photo by George Liu/NWAW)
(Photo by George Liu/NWAW)
(Photo by George Liu/NWAW)
(Photo by George Liu/NWAW)
(Photo by George Liu/NWAW)
(Photo by George Liu/NWAW)
(Photo by George Liu/NWAW)
(Photo by George Liu/NWAW)
(Photo by George Liu/NWAW)
(Photo by George Liu/NWAW)
(Photo by George Liu/NWAW)
(Photo by George Liu/NWAW)
(Photo by George Liu/NWAW)
(Photo by George Liu/NWAW)
(Photo by George Liu/NWAW)
(Photo by George Liu/NWAW)
Publisher’s awards winner, HUA Group (Photo by George Liu/NWAW)
3rd place winner mom and daughter won matching Empress costumes (Photo by George Liu/NWAW)
2nd place winner (Photo by George Liu/NWAW)
1st place winner (Photo by Andre Chow)
Photo by Andre Chow
Photo by Andre Chow
Judges with the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners. (Photo by Andre Chow)
(Photo by George Liu/NWAW)