By Staff
Northwest Asian Weekly
Leaders and representatives of more than 100 Asian American organizations announced the filing of civil rights violation complaints against Yale University, Brown University, and Dartmouth College for their discriminatory admission practices against Asian American applicants.
The complaint, filed May 23 by the Asian American Coalition for Education (AACE), requests that the Department of Education and the Department of Justice conduct a thorough investigation of admission practices and require the three colleges and other Ivy League universities to cease their discriminatory practices, including the use of racial quotas, racially-differentiated admission standards, racial stereotypes, and other unlawful admissions criteria.
Citing figures from the Education Department, the groups argue that Asian American undergraduate enrollment at Brown and Yale has remained flat between 1995 and 2014. While noting an increase in Asian American students for Dartmouth from 1995 to 2004, the complaint says that those numbers leveled off over the last 10 years. This data shows that “de-facto racial quotas have been imposed on Asian Americans” at these three schools, the complaint alleges.
With more than 100 Chinese-, Indian-, Korean-, Pakistani-, Japanese-, and other Asian American organizations from all over the nation joining in, this represents the largest joint action ever taken by Asian American communities against Ivy League universities’ discrimination.