“I would create more opportunities to engage with elders. Young people in our western culture frequently miss out on the opportunity to learn from and experience the gifts that the elders in our communities have to share.”
— Paula L. Houston
Ed.D., Chief Executive Officer, Senior Services
“Heed the wisdom of ‘practice and discipline.’ I had a lot of natural aptitude, so I could learn anything quickly, but when it became more complicated and difficult, I would give up. Watching how the experts achieve their goals made me realize that it took work, patience and commitment.”
— Dorothy Wong
Executive Director, Chinese Information and Service Center
“I would like to learn new things whenever there are opportunities. I like to learn not only new languages, take new classes, enjoy new experiences and make new friends.”
— Nate Miles
Vice President of Government Relations, Lilly
“I would believe in the wisdom, knowledge, and experience of my parents. I would be much more grateful and appreciative of the sacrifices my parents made to create a better life for me and my siblings. I would dream bigger, and do it with much more confidence. I would believe in myself as much as my parents believed in me. I would be more compassionate. I would look for the goodness and strengths of others that were either overlooked or picked on in school.”
— Patrick Yalung
Washington Region President
“1. Don’t be afraid to start a business at a young age. 2. Surround yourself with people you aspire to be. 3. Never take your health for granted. 4. Always do what is right over what is easy. 5. Marry well. Realize that this is the foundation of all life’s happiness.”
— Dwayne J. Clark
Founder, Chairman/CEO
Áegis Living