Two martial arts events will be held on the same day, one at the University of Washington and one at the Asian Resource Center in the International District. The second annual Seattle International Martial Arts Championship (SIMAC) is being held 9 a.m.- 5 p.m. on Aug. 17 at the University of Washington IMA Gym, 3924 Montlake Blvd NE. The event is hosted by International Lion Dance Team, Northwest Wushu, Chinese Wushu Tai Chi Academy, Chinese Radio, Best in Class Education Center, and Husky Wushu Team. The event is free, but asking for donations from spectators to help raise money for the Seattle Children’s Hospital, Kin On Health Care Center and the China earthquake relief fund. Special guests include Lieutenant Governor Brad Owen, Chinese community leaders and kung fu masters from around U.S. and Canada.
There is a $300 grand prize for each category winner. The categories are Wushu Forms, Traditional Kung Fu, Tai-Chi and Push Hand, and Point Sparring.
The first annual Seattle Martial Arts expo is being held from 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. on Aug. 17 at the Asian Resource Center, 1025 S King Street.
The event is hosted by Northwest Kung Fu and Fitness. Tickets are $20 prior to the event and $25 day of. There will be live performances of Kung Fu, Tai-Chi, Judo and more.
There will also be demos and classes for spectators. Sensei Bob Wall is the special guest for this event. (end)
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