Joel de la Fuente stars in Jeanne Sakata’s one-man show, “Hold These Truths,” inspired by the true story of University of Washington student Gordon Hirabayashi as he fought the U.S. government’s forcible and unconstitutional removal and incarceration of all people of Japanese ancestry on the West Coast during World War II.
The 90-minute play runs July 31 through Aug. 3 at ACT in Seattle. Show times are 7:30 p.m. July 31 through Aug. 2, and 2 p.m. on Aug. 3. A discussion will be held after each performance.
On Aug. 1, there will be a special post-play panel with Stephen Sumida, Frank Abe, and Jeanne Sakata, presented in partnership with the Wing Luke Museum of the Asian Pacific American Experience.
On Aug. 2, Sakata will share her experiences in researching and writing the play. (end)
ACT is located at 700 Union Street in Seattle. For more information, e-mail, call 206-292-7660 ext. 1336, or visit