The Filipino Community of Seattle is coordinating with the Philippine Consulate in San Francisco, as well as Washington State government officials and national media outlets to disseminate information on missing loved ones in the aftermath of Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda). The Philippines Red Cross RFL (Restoring Family Links) and Tracing Services is online at
Additional questions may be directed to Sheila Burrus at 206-300-5832.
Relief items and cash donations to help victims may be dropped off at the Filipino center at 5740 Martin Luther King, Jr. Way, Seattle. The immediate need is for personal hygiene products (shampoos, soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes), non-perishable food items, and first-aid kits. No clothes, shoes, blankets, or perishable foods will be accepted.
Cash donations may also be mailed (Memo: Typhoon victims) to FCS, 5740 Martin Luther King Jr. Way, Seattle, WA 98118, or deposited at Wells Fargo Bank account #5612975465, RTN#125008547.
A Boeing Employees Credit Union account number will be available soon; check the website. Online donations also may be made at
FCS will be arranging for a 20-foot container to ship collected relief goods, said FCS executive director Sheila Burrus. “All we can do is be here, be present, and see what we can do as a community,” she said.
On Nov. 17, FCS will host a marathon benefit concert at the Filipino Community Center, starting at 2 p.m.
A dinner and dance fundraiser on Nov. 22, at 6 p.m. at the Filipino Community Center will raise money for typhoon recovery efforts on Bohol island. Suggested donation is $25.
A Zumbathon will be held on Nov. 24, from 1–3 p.m.
For updates or more information, visit or call 206-722-9372.