Despite widespread belief, 98118 is not the most diverse zip code in the United States, but it’s close. Of the 17,000 metropolitan zip codes in use by the United States Postal Service, it’s 64th, according to Diana Canzoneri, demographer and policy analyst for the Seattle Planning Commission. Neighboring 98178, which covers South Rainier Beach and parts of Renton, is actually more diverse. The true top 10 most diverse zip codes, as determined by Trulia, a real estate research organization, are listed below.
75038 — Dallas, TX
11428 — New York City, NY
94130 — San Francisco, CA
77407 — Houston, TX
96786 — Honolulu, HI
96731 — Honolulu, HI
98178 — Rainier View, Seattle, WA
02125 — Boston, MA
96707 — Honolulu, HI
95834 — Sacramento, CA